frequently asked questions


(Pronounced Ray-Key)

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, a type of alternative medicine (a form of holistic healing).  Reiki practitioners use their palms to transfer healing energy. The energy can be called “universal energy” and is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the client. This energy is from the universe/high power and is love. It can not do any harm. It promotes relaxation and stress reduction. It provides pain relief, help aide physical and emotional healing.

Reiki is both natural and safe. It originated in Tibet thousands of years ago, but the current method we practice was introduced by Usui Sensei in Japan during the 1920s.

The Japanese word ‘Rei’ means spiritual wisdom. And ‘Ki’ stands for life energy. So together, it means spiritually guided life energy. This means that energy has life or a consciousness so that it has the ability to heal you wherever you may need it most. Whatever serves your highest good.

Energy is everywhere and everything.  In Eastern cultures it is said we have meridians or the chakras. Pathways and energy centers in our energetic bodies that are associated with our emotions and organs.

Reiki helps to balance and uplift the energy in your body. Reiki clears your chakras of energetic blocks and purifies the energy. This is incredibly powerful and healing for both your body and your mind.

During a Reiki session, the Reiki practitioner uses their hands (and sometimes other tools like crystals or a sound bowl) to transfer the energy to the client. The energy will naturally go where it’s needed most. (This is why it is called spiritually guided life energy.)

To receive Reiki, you just have to be open to receiving and release all expectations!

The next question covers how does Distance reiki or virtual Reiki works.

Yes! The recipient will have the same experience as if in person. Whether that is an energetic sensation in the body, images of colors and shapes. The reason is because  energy is not bound by time and space. Energy always goes where it is directed and needed most. As long as you  are open to receive. 

Just like when people ask for our prayers, well wishes and good vibes from anywhere in the world. Even if you’re not directly in front of them, they receive it.

Bottom line, receiving Reiki from a distance works which is why so many practitioners only do virtual sessions and classes. The energy has been upgraded the last few years to a higher vibration and is more powerful ,as it is needed more than ever due to global events,

All of my sessions, classes, and meditations are online. Except for a few in person events in NYC.

You will feel the healing energy wherever you are!


The benefits of Reiki are as vast as the unique phases we each experience in life.

Oftentimes, when we’re experiencing a hurdle or frustration in life, it stems from a lack of clarity, peace, and confidence within us.

Reiki provides that clarity, peace, and confidence which helps us reach our goals. or over come an issue.

This means that Reiki can help you in countless ways. The most commonly reported benefits of Reiki include:

  • Stress relief
  • Anxiety reduction
  • Greater access to states of calm
  • Feeling balanced and grounded
  • Provides insight into your subconscious patterns of thought and action
  • Reduces pain
    Healing from fears and trauma

In Reiki session with me, you will receive messages from spirit, I will always ask for your permission if your want to hear messages from spirit. I will give you tips for after instructions for your benefit.

Reiki is spiritual healing, not a religion. You can receive or give Reiki regardless of your faith I have worked with clients and students from all faiths.

We will meet over Zoom (or on the phone if you prefer).

Once we’re logged on, we’ll start by making sure that you are comfortable and in the proper posture. You will need to be in a comfortable area — your home or even on the beach if that’s a comfortable place for you.

You will choose to lay down or sit up, and I’ll remind you not to cross your arms or legs because you want the energy to flow freely throughout your body. You’ll close your eyes and dim your lights if they’re too bright. The key here is to relax and be open to the healing energy.

Then we will begin with some breath work to get your body instantly relaxed. I will play meditation music and you might even hear me playing the sound bowls throughout your session. Eventually, I will call your name to bring you back.

After the Reiki Healing, we will discuss my findings and I’ll share any messages from spirit with you. I’ll remind you to drink water after your session as you may be thirsty.

In short: Reiki can benefit everyone at every stage of their life.

The longer answer is that you should sign up for a Reiki session if you:

  • Are looking for ways to relax your body, mind, and spirit
  • Want to explore your spirituality
  • Want to destress
  • Know you’re ready to receive healing
  • Want to balance your chakras or energy

Reiki is also right for people who are going through a stressful time or a big change. Especially if you feel like you don’t have time — that’s actually the perfect moment to have a Reiki session. Reiki will give you clarity, motivation, flow, and ease so that the stressful time (a big move, a career switch, etc) is easier.

Multiple Reiki sessions can be beneficial as well. If you choose to do so for more spiritual, mental and emotional work. Healing isn’t linear and having multiple sessions holds you accountable and helps you address the hiccups in your healing journey.

Reiki is NOT for you if:

  • You’re looking for a magic band-aid
  • You expect Reiki to fix all of your problems overnight

You co-create with the universe with your intentions, choices, mindset, and actions.

The feeling during a Reiki Healing session varies from person to person.

You may feel DEEPLY relaxed. Especially in your chest area, which is where you heart center is. In fact, some people have said that they felt ‘too relaxed’ — but that’s because they are not used to feeling truly relaxed. Unfortunately, our current culture does not prioritize relaxation and minimizing stress. In reality, there are so many physical, mental and emotional benefits to relaxation and eliminating stress.

You may feel tingling, pulling, airy, and other sensations. It can be very minimal or you may feel an out-of-body experience. You may see colors, shapes, or other images. You may feel like you are in between consciousness and unconsciousness – like in a sleep state. This is just the energy doing it’s work. Release all expectations, if you do not feel anything that is okay. You are still receiving, and you always receive exactly what you need at that moment. Even as a Master practitioner I don’t always have an ‘out of this world’ experience but I do receive exactly what I need.

At the end of a session, you may have to take the time to open your eyes and get up as if you just slept for a while. 

No matter what you are seeing or feeling, just enjoy the experience, don’t overthink it or try to control it. The more relaxed and open you are the deeper the energy heals.

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