The Benefits of Crystal Singing Bowls

You may have noticed that singing bowls (both the metal and the crystal varieties) are becoming more and more popular.

Maybe you’ve heard a singing bowl at the beginning of your yoga class, or to signal the end of a meditation period. And you’ve probably noticed them in spaces where people go to relax and find peace: a bedroom, a meditation room, or even a coffee shop.

So what’s the deal? What are singing bowls and why do people love them so much?

In this post, we’ll cover:
– Sound therapy
– What are singing bowls
– The benefits of crystal singing bowls
– How sound waves and frequencies impact us

Crystal singing bowls are close to my heart and provide important healing for me. I’m excited to share their benefits and help you access healing too.

How Does Sound Therapy Work?

Sound therapy has been practiced for thousands of years. It was especially popular in ancient Buddhist and Hindu practices, although sound therapy itself is not a religious practice.

The idea behind sound therapy (also called sound healing) is that everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration — including our bodies.

When the vibrations in our bodies are out of balance, our physical, mental, and spiritual selves are also out of balance. Blockages in energy flow and vibration prevent each organ and each cell from vibrating at its healthiest frequency — resulting in illness and suffering.

Sound healing attempts to remove the blockages by sending sound waves at certain frequencies through your body. This helps to re-balance your body’s vibrations and bring it back to a healthy state.

What Are Singing Bowls?

You might be familiar with Tibetan singing bowls. They’re typically small, gold bowls accompanied by a wooden or cloth mallet.

These singing bowls originated thousands of years ago in Tibet. They were originally part of Buddhist practice and used for sound healing. They are made of a five-metal alloy that includes iron, zinc, copper, gold, and silver.

Tibetan singing bowls have been around for thousands of years and they remain popular today.

More recently, however, modern technology has allowed the development of a new kind of singing bowl made from quartz and commonly known as crystal singing bowls.

Crystal singing bowls are similar to Tibetan singing bowls, but they’re made from high-quality quartz instead of metal. Crystal singing bowls are a newer development than Tibetan singing bowls because they require a more complex manufacturing process (and the ability to heat the quartz and sand to extreme temperatures and form them into the correct shape).

This modern technology has allowed us to create crystal singing bowls that produce sound waves that combine the benefits of crystals and sound therapy into one (read about the healing power of crystals here).

How Exactly Do Crystal Singing Bowls Work?

Now that we know about the benefits of sound therapy, we can look at the unique ways that crystal singing bowls support our healing.

Remember — a blockage in our body’s energy results in negative effects on our:
– emotional state
– mental health
– spiritual well-being
– physical body

The sound waves from singing bowls help to remove these blockages.

One reason that crystal singing bowls are gaining popularity is that our bodies are more in tune with the vibrations from crystals than they are from metal.

This is due to the fact that our bodies already have crystalline structures within them. Each cell in our body is made from a geometric crystalline structure which allows the frequencies from the crystal singing bowls to more easily resonate with our bodies.

So when our bodies are out of balance and blockages occur, the sound waves from a crystal singing bowl more strongly resonate within our bodies and more easily remove blockages.

The sound waves from Tibetan singing bowls do this as well. But our bodies have much less metal in them than crystalline structures. This makes the crystal singing bowls a more effective tool than metal singing bowls.

Sound Waves and Frequencies

The daily use of crystal singing bowls can allow our energy to stay open and flowing so imbalances don’t occur.

One of the most helpful sound frequencies for humans is 432hz.

Each crystal singing bowl comes with its own Hz frequency. But 432hz is known for being the “code of the universe,” expansive harmony, and consciousness.

432hz is the universe's basic sound resonating energy into you, all other lifeforms, and the rest of material reality.

The 432hz frequency can best be described as the sound linking us to our consciousness. It connects to our sense of awareness.

How we feel and embody sound as it moves into and through us is best encapsulated in 432hz. It's the literal frequency of nature. The nature that is present in our very cells, waterfalls, and trees.

Code of the Universe

As mentioned, everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration. That means that our DNA, our cells, energy, movement, and light are controlled by sound frequency every day.

We feel the frequency of other noises and vibrations around us at all times. Sometimes, these other noises and vibrations can throw us off-kilter. In these moments, hearing 432hz helps us to reconnect with our own nature. When we play and hear 432hz daily, we can start to move in tandem with the universe.

It’s common to find crystal singing bowls that produce 432hz. If you purchase a singing bowl in person, the shop owner will be able to show you which bowls produce this frequency. If you purchase a singing bowl online, the Hz should be listed in the product description.

One of my favorite places to buy crystal singing bowls is from the vendor ENERGYSOUND. They offer a free mallet with their energy bowls, although I recommend using these acrylic mallets. I prefer acrylic mallets because they are much smoother to glide around the bowl and even sound smoother.

When and How to Use Crystal Singing Bowls

Playing your crystal bowls on a daily or weekly basis can offer many benefits ranging from emotional to spiritual to physical.

Their unique, deep sounds create a frequency that resonates deep into your body and even your nervous system. Because of this, crystal singing bowls are excellent for meditation, yoga, or simply relaxing. Certainly, crystal bowls are being used in a wide array of settings, from hospitals to energy healing sessions to sound baths.

To begin using a crystal bowl, you should set them on the flat bottom side. Gently hit the mallet onto the side of the bowl. The mallet's action on the bowl creates the different frequencies and gives these crystal bowls their reputation.

Crystal singing bowls are the ultimate wellness tool because of their ease of application and diverse sounds. To learn more about crystals and their healing powers, check out this post.

Or, to learn how to incorporate spirituality in your life by becoming Reiki certified fill out this form at the bottom of the page to become a student.

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