Working Women and Burnout — How Reiki Can Help You Find Balance Within Your Career

Ahh… the dreaded “burnout” 


We ALL worry about burning out at work, right? 


And if you’re a working woman, you’re at even higher risk for work-related stress that leads to burnout than your male counterparts. 


In fact, a study done by McKinsey and Company found that 42% of working women report feeling burnt out this year compared to 35% of men. (That’s up from 32% of women and 28% of men a year ago). And for women of color, the burnout statistics are even grimmer. 


What Is It About Working Women That Makes Us More Likely to Experience Burnout? 


There is, of course, no single answer to this question. 


Many working women feel the need to work harder and longer to prove themselves as capable as their male colleagues. 


Besides the longer work hours, women in the workplace often carry a greater emotional workload than men. The McKinsey and Company study found that “women in senior leadership are 60 percent more likely to provide emotional support to employees.” 


Combined with the fact that women STILL only earn 82 cents for every dollar that men make, it’s no surprise that women are experiencing greater rates of burnout. 


As career-oriented women, our commitment to our careers sometimes means that we put our own well-being last. 


So, what can we do? Because for many of us, success at our jobs can feel like a non-negotiable. 


But don’t worry — 


Making a positive impact with your high-demand job and feeling rested and balanced aren’t mutually exclusive. It is possible to show up to work feeling centered and energetic, despite stress and a heavy workload. 


But you have to be willing to prioritize your well-being. 


One way to do this as a working woman is with Reiki healing energy. Reiki helps you regain balance and approach your work from a healthy place. 


What Does It Mean to Be “Balanced”?


Have you ever felt like you can’t figure out what your “gut” is telling you? Do you feel generally frustrated some days? Or have you experienced feeling brain fog or being overly emotional? 


… these are all signs that the energy in your body is unbalanced. 


When your energy is unbalanced, you begin to feel depleted and can start to experience burnout at work. 


But here’s the good news — you can rebalance your energy using Reiki. 


Reiki helps to rebuild the energy field that surrounds you and flows through you. This energy is concentrated in energy centers within your body (or chakras). You are your healthiest self when your chakras are clear and the energy in your body can flow without disruption. 


And that’s exactly what Reiki does — it clears your chakras and opens the energy field.  


Balancing Masculine vs. Feminine Energy 


We can’t forget to address your masculine and feminine energies. 


Because, while your energy field must be repaired for you to avoid burnout at work, you won’t be able to show up as your most authentic self at your job until your masculine and feminine energies are balanced as well. 


You were born with a perfect balance of masculine and feminine energies. But over time, as you’ve taken in ques about how you “should” act and feel, it’s likely that you have begun to lean more into your either your masculine or feminine energy. 


Regardless of gender, you are at your most authentic self when your masculine and feminine energies are balanced. 


But some jobs may subconsciously encourage you to lean more into one or the other. 


For example, if you’re pushing hard for growth and movement at your job, it’s likely that you’re leaning too much into your masculine energy. And it’s possible that adding in a little feminine energy (which allows you to be receptive and connected to your intuition) could be the missing piece that results in the growth you’re searching for. 


When you clear and open your energetic field with Reiki, you’re also restoring balance to your masculine and feminine energy.


Career-Oriented Women and Balance 


Career-oriented women raise your hand (ME! I’m raising my hand with you.) 


The drive to do more to find success in your career is natural. We all want to work hard and make a positive impact on the world right? 


But sometimes, that drive blinds us from what’s happening inside our bodies. 


Your work environment (corporate or otherwise) can be contributing to the wearing down of your energy field. A tense atmosphere, frustrated colleagues, or a boss whose presence always reminds you of the work you haven’t finished can all wear you down. 


Over time, the energetic balance in your body is lost. 


But let me remind you — making a positive impact with your high-demand job and feeling balanced are NOT mutually exclusive. 


You just have to be willing to put your own well-being first. Doing so will allow you to bring more energy and excitement to your job. Which, of course, will help you find even more success. 


What Being Balanced Means for Your Career


It’s no secret that when you’re healthy and balanced, you do better at your job. You’re able to give more energy to your colleagues and think more clearly about problems. 


But as the seasons change, you may find yourself feeling depleted mentally, spiritually, emotionally, or even physically. 


Because it takes a lot to fully show up to your job day after day. And the expectations from others around you can result in you ignoring your own well-being. 


This happens to ALL of us from time to time. 


But it’s important to recognize when you need to refocus your attention to yourself. Because when you’re too depleted, you stop showing up in the same way for work. 


Feeling balanced in your emotions and mood, mental health, and spirituality together with your physical health can give you the energy you need to move forward in your career with less stress and in greater alignment. 


Avoid Burnout With a Reiki Healing Session 


Reiki sessions for career-oriented women can often feel indulgent. 


When was the last time that you dedicated an entire hour to yourself without any distractions? 


But doing so can help you feel more grounded and confident at work. The balance that you achieve during your Reiki session can help you connect more authentically with your colleagues and clients. 


And, best of all, when you prioritize your well-being with a Reiki session, you’re lessening the likelihood of burnout. 

Take the first step toward a more balanced career and sign up for a Reiki session here. The best way to avoid burnout is to incorporate spirituality into your daily routine. You can do this through being Reiki Level 1 certified so you can give yourself Reiki! Fill out the form on the bottom of this page to sign up!

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