The Chakras: What Are They and Why Do They Matter?


Everyone agrees that balance is important to a healthy and happy life. There’s lots of talk about things like work-life balance and balanced diets. But what’s not talked about quite as much is energy balance. 

And that’s what we’re here to talk about today: how to keep your chakras cleared and your energy balanced for a healthy life. 

Keep reading to learn all about: 

  • The energy centers in your body (a.k.a. your chakras) 
  • Signs of energy imbalances or blockages 
  • What you can do to rebalance your energy

So, without further ado, let’s get started!  

What Are the Chakras?

First thing’s first — if we’re going to talk about energy, we need to talk about the chakras: the energy centers in your body. 


If you’re new to chakras, don’t worry. Because chakras are energy, you can feel them, but you can’t see them. This means (despite being incredibly important to your wellbeing) they’re easily ignored by some people. 


In Sanskrit, “chakra” means wheel or circle. You have seven chakras along your spine — from the bottom of your tail bone up through the top of your head. Each chakra holds its own type of energy and is responsible for unique aspects of your physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing. 


The chakras are responsible for housing the healing energy that keeps us healthy, happy, and vibrant. 


Healthy Chakras 

You might know that all things in the universe are in a constant state of vibration — including your body. It’s important for your health and wellbeing that your body remains vibrating at its optimal frequency. 


But when we encounter other people and experiences in day-to-day life, our own vibration can get thrown off. Negative experiences like stress, lack of sleep, or emotional tension can all impact our body’s vibrations. 


And when this happens, our chakras can get blocked (effectively blocking our energy flow). This prevents our energy from moving freely throughout our bodies and can have systemic consequences for our physical and emotional wellbeing. 

Blocked Chakras 

This energy blockage manifests itself in different ways depending on the chakra that’s blocked. It can take the form of physical ailments, emotional suffering, or spiritual struggles. 


As you’ll see below, each chakra is connected to a different part of your body. But a blocked chakra anywhere has the ability to disrupt your energy everywhere. That’s why it’s vital that you pause to take stock of your wellbeing from time to time. 

How to Unblock Your Chakras 

There are a number of ways to unblock your chakras. Things like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises can help. You can also practice sound healing or use reiki to clear your chakras. 


Reiki itself is the process of unblocking and rebalancing your energy. Reiki sends universal life energy to your blocked chakras in order to clear the blockages and open up your energy field. It doesn’t matter if you’re unaware of the exact location of the blockage — reiki will flow to where it’s most needed. 


At the end of your reiki session, you’ll likely feel lighter, calmer, and more clear-headed. This is because your energy is back in its natural flow state. 


The 7 Chakras 


There are 7 main chakras in your body. Each one is located along your spine and holds its own unique energy. An overview of all seven chakras is below: 


1. Root Chakra

Where it’s located in the body: At the base of your spine 

What it’s responsible for: Security, stability, and survival

Color associated: Red


When the root chakra is blocked, you might be anxious about basic needs, feel unsafe or insecure, or experience a general ungroundedness. On the other hand, when your root chakra is free of blockages and is balanced, you feel confident, grounded, and secure. 

2. Sacral Chakra 

Where it’s located in the body: Below your belly button

What it’s responsible for: Emotions, passions, sexuality, confidence, and creativity

Color associated: Orange 


When the sacral chakra is blocked, you might struggle with emotional outbursts, too much or not enough sexual energy, or you might feel creatively stuck. 


When your root chakra is balanced, you feel great — playful, creative, and friendly. 


3. Solar Plexus Chakra  

Where it’s located in the body: Between your belly button and the bottom of your ribcage

What it’s responsible for: Self-esteem, ego, and individual power

Color associated: Yellow


When the solar plexus chakra is blocked, you’ll struggle with things like low self-esteem, depression, and anger. Because of its location, it’s tied to your digestive tract and you can experience digestive issues when the solar plexus chakra is blocked. 


When your solar plexus chakra is balanced, you feel confident, self-assured, and productive. 

4. Heart Chakra  

Where it’s located in the body: Middle of your chest

What it’s responsible for: Love, compassion, and trust

Color associated: Green


When it’s blocked, you’ll experience fear, jealousy, and a lack of trust in both yourself and others. The heart chakra is connected to the lungs, heart, and cardiovascular system. So when it’s blocked you might struggle with high blood pressure or heart problems. 


On the other hand, when it’s balanced you give and receive love freely. You feel a deep connection to others and trust easily. 

5. Throat Chakra 

Where it’s located in the body: In your throat 

What it’s responsible for: Speaking your truth and communication 

Color associated: Blue


When your throat chakra is blocked, you’ll struggle with communicating. It might be hard for you to speak your truth or, on the flip side, you find yourself talking too much without actually communicating how you feel. Connected to your neck and mouth, a blocked throat chakra might manifest as a sore throat or shoulder tension. 


If you find that you’re able to freely express yourself — even when experiencing intense emotions — then it’s likely that your throat chakra is balanced.

6. Third Eye Chakra 

Where it’s located in the body: Between your eyebrows

What it’s responsible for: Intuition, wisdom, and spiritual power

Color associated: Indigo or Purple 


Your third eye chakra connects the spirit inside you to the outside world. When it’s blocked, you’ll have a hard time hearing your inner voice. It’ll feel like you are disconnected from your intuition and you might struggle with a broad range of emotional issues. Physically, a blocked third eye chakra can feel like headaches, blurry vision, or dizziness. 


When your third eye chakra is balanced, however, you feel deeply connected to your intuition. You can freely trust yourself and find that it’s easy to be decisive. 

7. Crown Chakra  

Where it’s located in the body: The top of your head

What it’s responsible for: Spirituality and your connection to your higher self 

Color associated: White or Violet


The most spiritual of your seven chakras, a blocked crown chakra can manifest in an inability to be satisfied, a feeling of apathy, and a lack of direction and purpose for life. Alternatively, when your crown chakra is balanced, you feel connected to something larger than yourself. You feel connected to your spirituality and feel closer to enlightenment. 

The Importance of Balanced Chakras 

Balanced chakras are essential to our health and wellness. Unfortunately, it’s far too easy for the daily grind to throw off your energy and block your chakras. 

If you’re feeling low-energy, disconnected from yourself, or have a general uneasiness about life right now, consider signing up for a reiki session or a Crystal Reiki Chakra Balancing Session to re-balance your energy fields and remove any blockages from your chakras.

If you want to be Crystal Reiki Certified or Reiki Level 1 certified fill out the form on this page.

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